"Let us just take the cases where a regular publisher or even an appointed person, with no previous accusation of child abuse has come up against that person. Why do you feel that Watchtower is responsible for that person's actions against the child?"
Who said that anyone DID say that the WT is responsible for that lewd man's behavior in the first place, as no one can control another person's behavior. (Tho when people see opportunities to act without consequence, you might say the WT is responsible for setting up a condition that makes it easier for the crime to be committed)
However, for all the documented cases where these victims suffer through years of mental torture, the WT bears responsibility for the harm that comes to those victims after the pedophile has acted.
Because the WT tells elders not to report these to the police, children suffer.
It tells elders to call the legal department.
The GB act like gods, they are the "Guardians of Doctrine" (G.O.D.) and tell everyone how to think, how to act, and let congregation sheep know, in no uncertain terms, what will happen to them if they do not "listen, learn and obey."
Because , the GB have found out that they have a "goring bull" in the yard, and they themselves have written, and are aware of their responsibility.
*** w91 2/15 p. 12 par. 8 A Corresponding Ransom for All ***
"To illustrate: Exodus 21:28-32 speaks of a bull that gores a person to death. If the owner knew of the bull’s disposition but did not take proper precautions, he could be made to cover, or pay, for the life of the slain one with his own! Yet, what if the owner was only partially responsible? He would need a ko′pher, something to cover his error. Appointed judges could impose upon him a ransom, or fine, as a redemption price."
The WT does know about the "goring bull" when they are first called.
They do not protect people from a second attack.
It keeps records "of their goring bulls."
It lets these "goring bulls" keep goring, not only the "sheep" in the congregation, but people outside of the walls of the Kingdom Halls.
The WT punishes people for talking or warning about the "goring bulls."
It takes their life, their family, their friends.
The WT does not live by the standards that it's own writing department writes of, but expects everyone else to live by the letter of the law.